Where to Find Tamarind Paste? (You’ll Be Surprised…)

Tamarind paste is a traditional Philippine food often served as a side dish to rice. It is known for its sour taste and slightly sweet texture.

In the Philippines, tamarind paste makes various dishes, including gustatory pastes and desserts. The paste is also used in multiple medical treatments, such as fever relief and skin infections.

There are many places where you can find tamarind paste in America. Here are some tips on where to find it in America.

Where to Find Tamarind Paste in the United States

There are several ways to find tamarind paste in the United States. The most common way to find it is to go to a Filipino grocery store.

There, you’ll likely find tamarind paste in jars and boxes, as well as in a variety of other products. Another way to find it is through online searches.

You can use the phrase “tamarind paste” on Google, and you’ll get a range of results.

The best way to determine which tamarind paste is best for your needs is to try it out and see which flavor suits your palate the best.

What kind of dishes can you make with tamarind paste?

Many different dishes can be made with tamarind paste. Some of these dishes include:

-Tamarind Paste and Rice – This dish is a popular Filipino dish that combines the sour taste of tamarind paste with the sweet flavor of rice. The meal is often served as a side dish to rice.

-Sour Tamarind Pudding – This dessert is made by adding sugar and cinnamon to the tamarind paste. It is then baked in a cake tin or an oven.

Fever ReliefTamarind Paste is used to make various dishes that help relieve fever, such as pastes and syrups.

-Lemon Tamarind Pudding – This dessert is made by adding lemon juice to the tamarind paste. It is then baked in a cake tin or an oven.

-Tamarind Pie – This pie is made by combining the sour taste of tamarind paste with the sweet flavor of apple sauce or other desserts.

What are some medical benefits of tamarind paste?

There are many medical benefits of tamarind paste. For example, it relieves fever, skin infections, and other medical conditions.

Tamarind paste is also used to make various dishes, such as gustatory pastes and desserts.

Best tamarind paste

The best tamarind paste is likely to be found in the Philippines.

However, there are many different types of tamarind paste available, so it’s crucial to find one that will fit your specific needs.

You can also find other brands and variations of tamarind paste, depending on what you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for a traditional Philippine gustatory paste, look for the grade with cinnamon and sugar added. Other grades may not have as many of these additives.

Tamarind paste can also be found in 2 or 3 pounds packs, making it easy to take with you when traveling.

Thai tamarind paste

Thai tamarind paste is a popular paste used to make various dishes in the Philippines. It can be found in many different stores throughout America.

Does Tesco sell tamarind paste, and where to find it in Tesco?

Yes, tamarind paste is often found in TESCO supermarkets. However, the paste is not always labeled as such.

Sometimes, it is marked as “tamarind sauce.” If you’re looking for tamarind paste specifically, you’ll likely want to check out the Filipino section of the store.


Does Safeway sell tamarind paste, and where to find it in Safeway?

No, tamarind paste is not currently available to be sold at Safeway.

However, if you are looking for traditional Filipino food that is often served as a side dish to rice, tamarind paste may be a good option to consider.

Aunt Pattys Organic Tamarind Paste – 12 Oz – Safeway

How much tamarind paste should you use in a curry?

If you’re making a Filipino-style curry, you’ll want to use a bit more than the recipe suggests. In the Philippines, tamarind paste is a key ingredient in many dishes.

So, it’s a good idea to start with a lower amount of paste if you’re creating.

However, as you become more experienced, you may want to increase the amount of tamarind paste in your curry.

Amazon tamarind paste

Amazon.com is a great place to find tamarind paste. You can find it in various flavors, including sweet and sour. Amazon also has a variety of other health-related products that are perfect for treating fever and infection.

Tamarind Paste – Amazon.com

Tamarind paste taste

Some people say that the taste of tamarind paste is a little sour, but most people find it to be very delicious and refreshing food.

It can be used as a side dish to rice or dessert. Tamarind paste is also used in various medical treatments, such as fever relief and skin infections.


Tamarind paste is a popular spice found in many different regions of the world. In America, it is most often found in amazon tamarind paste.

This online store offers a variety of tamarind paste flavors, including mango, papaya, and pineapple.