Where to find and buy edamame in the grocery store?

  • Edamame is a popular bean that is prepared from immature soybeans.
  • They differ in color from soybeans because they have a green color.
  • They were only popularly known in Asia but have widely gained popularity in Western countries.
  • Also, these beans are high in proteins and help in lowering cholesterol.

Where can you find edamame in the grocery stores?

Edamame is sold both frozen and fresh in local grocery stores, chain stores, or brand-names, and Asian supermarkets.

Frozen edamame is sufficiently available in the market compared to fresh ones. It is mostly sold in form of pods but also offered hulled.

Shelled and unshelled edamame is found in the freezer section of many grocery stores.

However, those that are dried are generally found in the aisle with nuts and fruits or in the International aisle with Asian products. In some stores, it is sold in the produce section especially the aisle with specialty vegetables and fruits.

What stores sell edamame?

There are several local grocery stores offering edamame for sale on their shelves or online stores Walmart, whole foods store, Safeway, Target, and Amazon among others. A list of some stores selling the product includes;

Walmart – at Walmart edamame is sold while shelled and roasted.

Whole Foods – it is easy to find the beans in plenty and fresh.

Safeway – you can be sure not to miss the edamame beans in this store. You can also find Signature Kitchens Shelled Edamame in the frozen section and fresh ones in the produce section respectively

Target – in this store you can check the frozen vegetable section and fruit aisle for edamame. Kroger, Asian Markets, and Publix sell both fresh and frozen edamame in the produce area

Amazon is also one of the online stores selling edamame. Here you can find fresh edamame at a friendly price.

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What is the best way to buy edamame?

You need to buy edamame whose pods are fully-formed and plump because they have matured and ripe soybeans. You also need to ensure that you choose fresh pods.

The brown pods show that the beans are overripe. Over mature edamame are more likely to lose flavor.

Are edamame bad for you?

No, its nutritional benefits outweigh any possible risks. Edamame is not only rich in taste but also highly nutritious.

It is packed with proteins, fat content, vitamins, and carbohydrates, therefore; it is good for people on a low-calorie or low-carb diet.

Additionally, it is low in glycemic index thus gives you energy without raising blood sugar levels in the body. Notably, you should eat edamame with a mindset that it is nutritious and not the illusion that it cures a specific ailment.

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Can you buy ready-to-eat edamame?

Yes, frozen edamame comes either pre-cooked or raw. Pre-cooked edamame is ready to be eaten while raw ones have to be boiled.

To eat pre-cooked frozen edamame, you can either defrost and eat them cold or warm them up in the microwave and eat them hot.

Why should you not eat edamame pods?

Though they are not poisonous, it is not recommended to eat them. They are very hard to chew and if swallowed whole, they can cause blockage on your digestive system.

This can end up causing a medical condition called Bezoars which can lead to abdominal pains. They are also tough hence making you chew for long.

Can you eat edamame every day?

Yes, you can unless you have a soy allergy. However, it is not advisable if you are not used to eating fiber-rich food regularly.

You can at least try eating ½ cup of edamame beans every day. In that portion, you will balance all the nutrients like calories, iron, proteins, and carbohydrates among others which are good for your body.

Also, you can prepare edamame mixed with other products like spinach and eggs among others. That way, you can enjoy your everyday snack without getting bored


Edamame is a nutritious bean and can be eaten any time of the day. To help break the monotony of eating them plain, it is good that you check for wholesome recipes to get ideas on how to prepare them.

If you are looking to try out edamame for the first time, then with all the relevant information above you can be sure to buy the best.

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